Friday, August 12, 2011

Jom Beriklan Free Kat Blog Ni...(buat muka kesian)

finally, mish pasang gak iklan banner free tu.
dah lama cakap nak letak kan. hehe
tak berpeluang lol...

sesiapa yang ada banner lawa ke tak lawa leh la main tempek-tempek kat blog i ok.

ni update main-main namanya.

chaw lah. dah nak balik keje dah.

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Alif Haris said... [Reply to comment]

yeay !!! :D
dah pasang .. hehehe

Aini Azman said... [Reply to comment]

aiyakkk, aini xde banner pulak kan,.sedeyhh,.=(

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

alaaaa...cheqwa tadak banner...huhu :(

aimanayie said... [Reply to comment]

ahaaa.... sayangnya~ saya tak ada iklan tempek2~

*apasal komen kak cik maken berkurang.. ? saya tak faham lah

ninie_azriena said... [Reply to comment]

blog mish plak dah ada ruang iklan free..
boleh lah ninie mencapub dekat blog cumil ni..
tanks ya =)

laskar pelangi said... [Reply to comment]

pewit!!! nak tengok banner mish lak..mana mana??

BM said... [Reply to comment]

mish azmi tak de banner cmne?

Shila said... [Reply to comment]

terus cari gmbar cun2 nk buat banner..


Wanie said... [Reply to comment]

hehe..wanie dah buang mish baru letak..tumpang tempek tau :)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

hahahha..pandai dia wat ek..ajar!!!

Ain Zulaikha said... [Reply to comment]

wow, cool ! :)

tomatokering said... [Reply to comment]

tak dok banner . sadisnya .. :(

Diari Si Froggie said... [Reply to comment]

iklan free laju je pi..hihi

cikgu said... [Reply to comment]

hai mish lolly..cikgu nak psg iklan kat sini..pastu dah tag awak..hehe..xjoin xpe..saje tag sbb dah syarat kan..

BENA said... [Reply to comment]

bena xde bannerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr la mishhhhhh. sob sob. heee ;)

CIK TOM said... [Reply to comment]

nak pasang jugak!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

nak pasang camne ea nak pasang? haha.

YouSOF said... [Reply to comment]

Kasi Usop buat banner dulu ye.. Biasa buat banner (besar kat tepi jalan) tuk customer je..