Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday #3 : Saya Pun GEMUUKKK La Dulu

lengan aje dah besar gajah. HAHAHAHAH
tahun 2007.

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TS said... [Reply to comment]

saye pon kurus la dulu!!!haha

Nuruashia said... [Reply to comment]

awww..cmne mish kurus?? share tipssss laa pelissssssssssssssssssss

Jay said... [Reply to comment]

ok je pun mish...takdelah gemuk pun...Jay lagi gemuk dulu dari mish tu...alhamdulillah sekrg dah kembali normal..hehehe:)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

hak ah la..hehehe..
skang da selim melim kn kn

whitecappuccino said... [Reply to comment]

Gemuk ke cam tu??

semutsengal said... [Reply to comment]


gemuknya..tak berubah punn..


Hana Soffelia said... [Reply to comment]

Mana ada gemuk mish. ok what, cun melecun. ekeke.

ieda Qema said... [Reply to comment]

tak gemuks cam ak pon mishhhhhhh... kau tipu.. kau tipuuu.. kau tipuuuu! hahaha

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

hahaha...bukan gemuk sangat pon...masih cumel jah ^_^

laskar pelangi said... [Reply to comment]

yeye oiii jerk dlu gemukkk~ perasan gemok toi..werksssssssssss

Alif Haris said... [Reply to comment]

eleh alif pn dulu gemok .. tak heran ..

Wanie said... [Reply to comment]

ha,ah la..dulu wanie macam ni gak kot..umur bape ni mish?

YouSOF said... [Reply to comment]

Ini belum layak digelar gemook... ;P

Abu Huzaifah said... [Reply to comment]

bkn gemuk... montel je... lain kan.. hikhik

cik violet said... [Reply to comment]

alamak..mish ke tu..mcm tak caye je..hee...

p/s ; mish jom like kad ad kat shoutbox ;D

LittleGurl said... [Reply to comment]

alah mish mane ade gemok pom....comel jerk!